Trampoline Maintenance Best Practices

Trampoline maintenance and care

The sale of trampoline in Kenya is growing rapidly due to the increasing number of the middle-class population. The need to know the ABCs of trampoline maintenance and care is paramount to ensure the safety of trampoline users 

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Below are some useful tips on trampoline maintenance and  how to care for your trampoline:

  • The initial step towards proper care and maintenance of a trampoline in Kenya starts the very first day that you install your trampoline. Placing your trampoline on safe ground will significantly reduce your chances of needing to repair and trampoline maintenance .
  • Ensure that no structures are under your trampoline, no matter how small
  • If the trampoline is positioned on an abrasive surface like concrete, it is recommended you put some rubber matting under the legs. This will stop the noise of the rubbing and wearing the metal through
  • Enlightening the kids on the safe and appropriate use before they get on, is a proactive strategy in care and maintenance of trampoline in Nairobi and other towns within Kenya. In some instances, we have had kids damage their new trampoline mat within days by putting bikes, diggers, sparklers, and even using knives on their trampoline with consequent holes and tears occurring.
  • Trampoline frame padding for example, is designed to break falls and to save heads and limbs meeting with springs or frame edges, thereby minimizing injuries. Teaching the kids about this helps them to understand that the pads aren’t an extension to the mat, rather it is a safety buffer thus avoid jumping directly on the pads

For trampoline mantenance, inspect your trampoline regularly

  • This entails checking first, that the mat has no tears or holes, no matter how tiny. Unfortunately, there is no long term repair for a trampoline jumping mat, so if there is a small hole it will only get bigger
  •  Whenever you see damage on the mat, replace it immediately because it is a matter of safety, and tears mean reduced strength. Though this can be expensive,yet it has a direct impact on the health and safety of your children

It is also important to inspect the frames

  • Frames can come loose where you only need to tighten a few screws in order to keep your trampoline in perfect shape. If there are any screws missing, ensure you replace them
  • Where the frame is bent, you should take it to a specialist to decide if it can be repaired, or needs to be replaced. Bent frames also compromise the strength of your trampoline which can lead to serious accidents, never ignore them!
  • Always check to see that the legs are straight at all times, as dragging or mowing under the trampoline can tilt them, thus pull them back in alignment

Checkout for missing or broken springs

  • You need to replace them before the trampoline can be used, as a matter of urgency! A mat not 100% secured to a frame is very dangerous, because springs will continue to be over tensed and fly off, potentially hitting windows or the  kids!
  • If you have some squeakiness, or noises coming from your frame when the kids are bouncing, you can spray a bit of silicon lubricant on the joints and springs. Be cautious with the spray to avoid too much dust settling on the solution, because the parts can wear from abrasive dirt particles

Safety nets and safety padding should always be in good shape

Never ignore tears or other damage to these crucial parts, because they keep your family safe from falls, thus worth the attention.

  • Because the pads are directly in front of the entrance area, they suffer more wear. Moving your padding around will help to even out the wear after 6 months. Outdoor weather tape which is readily available from good hardware stores comes in handy, when fixing a hole or tear from any misuse. This measure can help prolong the life of pads too
  • Going around the trampoline pulling the “skirt” of the pads down from time to time to keep it tucked under the tension of the netting, help in keeping them securely in place
  • Regularly check that the clamps of the safety net poles are in place and tight enough:-This can save you from both accidents, and damages when a user falls on the net
  • Wind Anchor Kit:- For those  living in a high wind zone, it is highly recommended that you secure your trampoline with a wind anchor kits